Bon-Neem II Organic 3 in 1 Garden Insect Spray Liquid 32 oz.
Bon-Neem II Organic 3 in 1 Garden Insect Spray Liquid 32 oz.
• Benefits •
• Description •
• Specification •
• Controls mites, illnesses, and insects
• Use up until the harvest day
• Contains pyrethrins as well as neem oil.
• Excellent for the aforementioned fruits, flowers, herbs, spices, shrubs, and vegetables.
• Kills the specified bugs, such as boxelder, fungus gnats, and stink bugs.
• Prepared Quart Spray Bottle
a broad-spectrum fungicide, insecticide, and miticide for turf grass in and around the home that controls insects, illnesses, and mites on vegetables, fruit, nuts, herbs, spices, roses, flowers, shrubs, and houseplants. kills a variety of insects, including fungus gnats, boxelder bugs, and stink bugs.
Brand Name: Bonide
Sub Brand: Bon-Neem II
Organic: Yes
Product Type: 3 in 1 Garden Insect Spray
Product Form: Liquid
Container Size: 32 oz
Active Ingredient: Pyrethrins, Piperonyl Butoxide, Neem Oil
Pest Type: All Insects
Concentrated or Ready to Use: Ready to Use
Odorless: Yes
Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
Safe for Edibles: Yes
Safe for Children and Pets: No
Packaging Type: Trigger Spray Bottle

Bonide All seasons Organic Liquid Insect Killer 32 oz.
Bonide All seasons Organic Liquid Insect Killer 32 oz.
• Benefits •
• Description •
• Specification •
✔️ Controls insects and diseases by suffocation
✔️ Approved for organic gardening
✔️ Dormant and growing season horticultural oil
BONIDE All Seasons® Spray Oil contains a Superior paraffinic oil to be used to kill listed insects and diseases on plants by smothering. Approved for organic gardening. A superior type paraffinic oil that may be used as a growing season spray, dormant spray (no leaves), or delayed dormant (green tip) spray to control overwintering eggs of red spiders, scale insects, aphids, bud moths, leaf roller, red bug, codling moth, blister mites, galls, whitefly, mealybugs, and other insects.
✔️ READY TO SPRAY - This product arrives in a container with an attached hose-end sprayer. Simply connect a garden hose to the sprayer and begin the application.
Brand Name: Bonide
Sub Brand: All seasons
Organic: Yes
Product Form: Liquid
Product Type: Insect Killer
Container Size: 32 oz. Safe for Pets: No
Pest Type: All Insects
Safe for Edibles: Yes
Odorless: Yes
Ready to Use: Yes
Active Ingredient: Mineral Oil
Packaging Type: Bottle
Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor

Bonide All seasons Organic Liquid Insect Killer 32 oz.
Bonide All seasons Organic Liquid Insect Killer 32 oz.
• Benefits •
• Description •
• Specification •
✔️ Works In Growing Season and Dormant Season
✔️ Works Year Rounds
✔️ 100% Organic
A superior type paraffinic oil that may be used as a growing season spray, dormant spray (no leaves) or delayed dormant (green tip) spray to control overwintering eggs of red spiders, scale insects, aphids, bud moths, leaf roller, red bug, codling moth, blister mites, galls, whitefly, mealybugs, and other insects. Highly recommended for use on fruit trees, shade trees, shrubs, ornamentals, roses, and vegetables.
Brand Name: Bonide
Sub Brand: All seasons
Organic: Yes
Product Form: Liquid
Product Type: Insect Killer
Container Size: 32 oz.
Packaging Type: Trigger Spray Bottle
Safe for Pets: No
Odorless: Yes
Pest Type: All Insects
Ready to Use: Yes
Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
Safe for Edibles: Yes
Active Ingredient: Mineral Oil

Bonide Annual Tree & Shrub Insect Control Concentrate 32 oz.
Bonide Annual Tree & Shrub Insect Control Concentrate 32 oz.
• Benefits •
• Description •
• Specification •
✔️ Kills borers and other listed insect pests for up to one-year
✔️ Simple to use, mix-and-pour application
✔️ Prevents new infestations
Insects are killed and future infestations are prevented for a year with just one treatment. At the base of the plant, spray or simply mix and pour. Systemic insecticides are taken through the roots and reach all areas of the plant, including new growth, and are not washed away. Use on the fruit, nut, and ornamental trees and shrubs on the list.
Brand Name: Bonide
Sub Brand: Annual
Organic: No
Product Form: Liquid Concentrate
Product Type: Insect Killer
Container Size: 32 oz. Safe for Pets: No
Safe for Edibles: No
Active Ingredient: Imidacloprid
Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
Pest Type: Beetles/Borers/Miners
Odorless: Yes
Packaging Type: Bottle
Ready to Use: No

Bonide Ant, Flea & Tick Granules Insect Killer 10 lb.
Bonide Ant, Flea & Tick Granules Insect Killer 10 lb.
• Benefits •
• Description •
• Specification •
• Fast-acting insecticide for lawns, foundations, and other areas
• Ants, Billbugs, Brown Dog Ticks, Chinch Bugs, Sowbugs, Earwigs, Sod Webworms, and certain Grubs and other insects on the list are all killed.
• Works quickly and can last up to four weeks.
• 10-pound bag of granular treats up to 5,000 square feet.
Insect control for lawns and home foundations that works quickly and lasts for four weeks. Ants, fire ants, fleas, ticks, crickets, earwigs, spiders, sowbugs, silverfish, clover mites, chinch bugs, armyworms, sod webworms, leaf hoppers, millipedes, and various grubs are all attracted to this product. 5,000 sq. ft. can be treated with 10 lbs.
Brand Name: Bonide
Sub Brand: Ant, Flea & Tick
Organic: No
Product Form: Granules
Product Type: Insect Killer
Container Size: 10 lb
Active Ingredient: Permethrin
Coverage Area: 5000 sq ft
Pest Type: Ants/Crickets/Fleas/Ticks
Ready to Use: Yes
Odorless: Yes
Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
Safe for Edibles: No
Safe for Pets: No
Packaging Type: Bagged

Bonide Bontone II Rooting Powder 1.25 oz.
Bonide Bontone II Rooting Powder 1.25 oz.
• Benefits •
• Description •
• Specification •
• Use on berries, fruit trees, veggies, and decorative plants.
• Accelerates the formation of roots Cut, dunk, and plant
• Ideal for transplanting ornamental bulb, corm, and root systems
• Use on plants that are simple to reproduce
• 1.25 oz. of dust
Utilizing a plant hormone, Bonide Bontone Rooting Powder helps with the transplantation of young cuttings. After being sprayed, this powder encourages cuttings to quickly grow roots. You may speed up the rooting process for cuttings by simply dipping the end of a clipping into the powder before planting it in damp soil.
Brand Name: Bonide
Sub Brand: Bontone
Organic: No
Product Form: Powder
Product Type: Rooting Hormone
Container Size: 1.25 oz
Active Ingredient: Powder Hormone
Plant Type: Vegetables & Herbs
Packaging Type: Bottle
Concentrated: No
Time Release: Slow-Release
Coverage Area: 10 sq ft
Season Use: Multi-Season

Bonide Brush Beater Brush Killer Concentrate 32 oz.
Bonide Brush Beater Brush Killer Concentrate 32 oz.
• Benefits •
• Description •
• Specification •
• Kills Completely to the Root
• Result in 24 hours
• Make 8 gallon of spray
This powerful, non-volatile formulation works on the toughest weed species, yet is harmless to grass. It stays where you spray, without danger of vapor damage or root uptake by surrounding trees and ornamentals.
Brand Name: Bonide
Sub Brand: Brush Beater
Organic: No
Targeted Weed Type: Brush
Product Type: Killer
Product Form: Concentrate
Container Size: 32 oz. Rain Proof: Yes
OMRI Certified: No
Packaging Type: Bottle
Pre/Post Emergent: Post Emergent
For Use On/Effective On: Brush/Vines/Weed
Active Ingredient: Dimethylamine Salt of 2-Methyl-4-Chlorophenoxyacetic Acid, Triethylamine salt of 3,5,6-Trichloro-2-Pyridinyloxyacetic Acid, Dimethylamine Salt of Dicamba

Bonide Captain Jacks Deadbug Brew Organic Liquid Insect Killer 32 oz.
Bonide Captain Jacks Deadbug Brew Organic Liquid Insect Killer 32 oz.
• Benefits •
• Description •
• Specification •
✔️ Kills insects on vegetables, berries, citrus, grapes, nuts, and ornamentals
✔️ Approved for organic gardening
✔️ For listed vegetables, apples and citrus trees
Bonide Captain Jacks Deadbug Brew Organic Liquid Insect Killer 32 oz. Contains Spinosad "spin-OH-sid". Deadbug Brew kills bagworms, borers, beetles, caterpillars, codling moth, gypsy moth, loopers, leaf miners, spider mites, tent caterpillars, thrips and more. BONIDE Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew® is approved for organic gardening to control a wide range of listed insect pests. Use on listed vegetables, citrus, fruits flowers, and ornamentals.
Brand Name: Bonide
Sub Brand: Captain Jacks Deadbug Brew
Organic: Yes
Product Form: Liquid
Product Type: Insect Killer
Container Size: 32 oz. Safe for Edibles: Yes
Safe for Pets: No
Ready to Use: Yes
Pest Type: Garden Insects
Packaging Type: Trigger Spray Bottle
Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
Odorless: Yes
Active Ingredient: Spinosad

Bonide Chickweed Clover & Oxalis Killer Concentrate 16 oz.
Bonide Chickweed Clover & Oxalis Killer Concentrate 16 oz.
• Benefits •
• Description •
• Specification •
• Mix with water and ready to use!
• Kills chickweed and other tough weeds in lawns
• Kills many different species of weeds
• Kills clover, oxalis, speedwell, veronica, & ground ivy
• Kills weeds, not lawn grasses
• Kills broadleaf weeds, roots and all
BONIDE Chickweed, Clover & Oxalis contains Horsepower®. This powerful formula kills even the toughest weed species (roots and all) but won't harm lawn grass, when used as directed.
TOTAL WEED KILLER - Spray eliminates chickweed, clover, dandelions, ground ivy, oxalis, wild violet and over 100 more tough-to-control weeds. A complete list of these weeds is displayed on the label.
SAFE FOR GRASS - Designed to kill a variety of weeds, not lawn grasses. When used as directed it kills broadleaf weeds in lawns, roots and all.
NEEDS TO BE MIXED - Product arrives as a concentrate that needs to be mixed before application. We also offer a 1-gallon option of Ready to Use Chickweed, Clover and Oxalis Weed Killer (BND0613) that arrives conveniently premixed.
INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH - One pint of this herbicide concentrate can cover up to 5,000 square feet.
FAST ACTING - Begins working overnight and is rainproof within hours of application. For best results, do not mow your lawn for 1 to 2 days before or after use.
Brand Name: Bonide
Targeted Weed: Chickweed
Product Type: Killer
Product Form: Concentrate
Container Size: 16 oz
OMRI Certified: No
Organic: No
Coverage Area: 5000 sq ft
Rain Proof: Yes
Packaging Type: Bottle
Primary Active Ingredient: MCPA-Dimethylammonium, Triethylamine Salt of 3, 5, 6-Trichloro-2-Pyridinyloxyacetic Acid, Dicamba, Dimethylamine Salt
Application Season: Spring
Pre/Post Emergent: Post Emergent
Type of Weed: Multi-Weed
Application Location: Lawn
Size: 1 pt.

Bonide DuraTurf Crabgrass & Weed Preventer for Lawns and Ornamentals 5000 sq. ft.
Bonide DuraTurf Crabgrass & Weed Preventer for Lawns and Ornamentals 5000 sq. ft.
• Benefits •
• Description •
• Specification •
✔️ Treats up to 5,000 sq. ft. with just 9.5 lbs.
✔️ Prevents Crabgrass and up to 200 different types of broadleaf weeds
✔️ Prevents up to 2-4 months
Crabgrass & Weed BONIDE Duraturf Preventer is a pre-emergent herbicide that kills grassy and broadleaf weeds before they emerge. A single application can span anywhere from two to four months. Crabgrass, clover, chickweed, oxalis, spurge, and over 200 other weeds are all eliminated.
PRE-EMERGENT WEED CONTROL - Use this product in the spring on lawns and gardens to keep weeds and crabgrass at bay for the entire season.
READY TO USE - Bonide is a ready-to-use weed preventer that is simple to apply. It can be sprayed up to four weeks later than other crabgrass preventers and will give crabgrass control for up to four months.
THIS BAG CAN TREAT UP TO 5,000 SQUARE FEET OF TURF - This bag can treat up to 5,000 square feet of turf. It's suitable for both cool- and warm-season turfgrass. As instructed on the label, apply the granular product to the ground.
WEED KILLER FOR CRABGRASS AND OTHER WEEDS - This weed killer and preventative strategy can help clear out, control, or suppress over twenty different types of weeds.
Brand Name: Bonide
Sub Brand: DuraTurf
Fertilizer Analysis (N-P-K): 24-00-8
Primary Usage: Crabgrass Preventer
Product Type: Lawn Fertilizer
Grass Type: Annual Ryegrass
Coverage Area: 5000 sq ft
Phosphorus Free: Yes
Organic: No
Suitable for Vegetables: No
Water Soluble: No
Packaging Type: Bagged
Application Season: Spring
Safe for Bermuda Grass: No
Lawn Project: Get Rid of Weeds
Region: North
Size of Lawn: 1
Product Form: Granules
Container Size: 9.5 lb
Application Conditions: Established
Iron Included: No
Pre/Post Emergent: Pre Emergent
OMRI Certified: No

Bonide Duraturf Crabgrass Preventer Granules 12 lb.
Bonide Duraturf Crabgrass Preventer Granules 12 lb.
• Benefits •
• Description •
• Specification •
• Prevents and kills Crabgrass and other weeds on the list
• One treatment, you can get rid of two different species of weeds.
• Crabgrass and other broadleaf weeds are prevented.
• Northern and southern grasses are both treated.
• Only kills the weeds, not the grass.
• 12 pound granular, treats up to 5,000 sq. ft.t
BONIDE DuraTurf Crabgrass Plus is a post-emergent weed killer designed for use on residential lawns. It destroys a wide variety of weeds at various stages of development. Crabgrass, foxtail, goosegrass, and other weeds on the list are all killed.
Kills a variety of weeds at various stages of development, but what sets this product apart is that it is the only effective granular post emergent crabgrass killer now available for home lawn usage, with no need to time treatments for optimal results. For greater leaf adherence and effectiveness, it's formulated on a light carrier.
Brand Name: Bonide
Sub Brand: Duraturf
Organic: No
Targeted Weed Type: Crabgrass
Product Type: Preventer
Product Form: Granules
Container Size: 12 lb. For Use On/Effective On: Crabgrass
Active Ingredient: 2,4-D, Dicamba, Dithiopyr and Quinclorac
OMRI Certified: No
Coverage Area: 5000 sq. ft. Rain Proof: Yes
Packaging Type: Bagged
Pre/Post Emergent: Both
Weed Type Family: Crabgrass Apply to weeds and crabgrass after sprouting.

Bonide Flea Beater-7 Flea & Tick Killer Spray 15 oz.
Bonide Flea Beater-7 Flea & Tick Killer Spray 15 oz.
• Benefits •
• Description •
• Specification •
✔️ Controls reinfestation by fleas up to 7 months
✔️ Controls fleas and ticks on carpets, floors and furniture
✔️ Safe to use on carpet and upholstered furniture when used as directed
✔️ Quick drying Kills Fleas & Ticks
Protects homes from flea infestations for up to 7 months! Kills all stages of the flea life cycle. It also kills listed ants, roaches, spiders, ticks, and flies. One 15-ounce can treats up to 1,950 sq. ft. of floors, carpets and/or upholstery. This is NOT a shampoo, wash, pill, medicine, powder, or anything designed for the direct use or consumption by a dog or cat.
Brand Name: Bonide
Sub Brand: Mosquito Beater
Organic: No
Product Form: Liquid
Product Type: Flying Insect Fogger
Container Size: 1 gallon.
Pest Type: Mosquitoes
Ready to Use: No
Odorless: No
Active Ingredient: 3-Phenoxybenzyl -1RS, 3RS 1RS, 3SR 2, 2-dimethyl-3- 2-methylprop-1-enyl cyclpropanecarboxylate, pipernoyl butoxide
Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
Safe for Pets: No
Packaging Type: Jug
Safe for Edibles: No
Use in all propane and electric outdoor foggers

Bonide Fruit Tree & Plant Guard Insecticide Qt.
Bonide Fruit Tree & Plant Guard Insecticide Qt.
• Benefits •
• Description •
• Specification •
✔️ Protect fruit trees and plants from insects and diseases
✔️ Kills Aphids, Japanese Beetles, Leaf Hoppers and more
✔️ Controls Powdery Mildew, Apple Scab, Fly Speck and more
This reliable water-based combination is affordable, versatile, and suitable for a wide range of applications. Fruits, nuts, flowers, shrubs, and ornamentals are all covered in this book. Controls a variety of fungal diseases and insect pests as listed on the label. Biographical information on Bonide: Bonide has been the industry leader in providing the best available treatments since 1926.
Brand Name: Bonide
Sub Brand: Fruit Tree

Bonide Fung-onil Concentrated Liquid Disease Control 16 oz.
Bonide Fung-onil Concentrated Liquid Disease Control 16 oz.
• Benefits •
• Description •
• Specification •
✔️ For use on roses, flowers, vegetables, fruit & shade trees
✔️ Odorless and water-based
✔️ Broad spectrum fungicide for lawns and gardens
BONIDE Fung-Onil® is a broad-spectrum plant disease control for lawns, trees, shrubs, vegetables, fruits, roses and flowers. Controls many common homeowner plant diseases. Truly all-purpose. Controls numerous diseases on roses, flowers and vegetables, fruit, and shade trees. Use as little as 1½ teaspoons per gallon.
Brand Name: Bonide
Sub Brand: Fung-onil
Organic: No
Concentrated: Yes
Product Form: Liquid
Product Type: Disease Control
Container Size: 16 oz. Active Ingredient: 29.6% Chlorothalonil
Contact or Systemic: Contact
Fertilizer Component: No

Bonide Fung-Onil Liquid Fungicide 32 oz.
Bonide Fung-Onil Liquid Fungicide 32 oz.
• Benefits •
• Description •
• Specification •
✔️ Ready to Use, remove diseases from shrubs, roses, flowers and more
✔️ Use On All Plants
✔️ Odorless
Easy-to-use! No measure, no mix, no mess! The simple solution for disease free roses and flowers, trees and shrubs, vegetable gardens. Odorless, water-based 0.087% chlorothalonil-controls virtually all major garden disease problems!
Brand Name: Bonide
Sub Brand: Fung-Onil
Organic: No
Concentrated: No
Product Form: Liquid
Product Type: Fungicide
Container Size: 32 oz. Active Ingredient: 0.087% Chlorothalonil
Fertilizer Component: No
Contact or Systemic: Contact

Bonide Garden Dust 10 oz.
Bonide Garden Dust 10 oz.
• Benefits •
• Description •
• Specification •
✔️ Ready-to-use
✔️ Insect & Disease Control
✔️ Use on Vegetables, Fruits, and Flowers
A specially formulated, general-purpose product for convenient use on vegetables, fruit and flowers. 10 OZ, Ready To Use, Garden Dust, Offers Both Insect & Disease Control, In E-Z Squeeze Applicator Tube Which Is Refillable.
Brand Name: Bonide
Organic: No
Product Form: Dust
Product Type: Insect Killer
Container Size: 1 lb.
Ready to Use: Yes
Safe for Pets: No
Pest Type: Diseases/Insects
Packaging Type: Bottle
Odorless: No
Active Ingredient: Pyrethrin, Sulfur, and Copper
Safe for Edibles: Yes
Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor

Bonide Garden Rich Plant Starter Concentrate 1 qt.
Bonide Garden Rich Plant Starter Concentrate 1 qt.
• Benefits •
• Description •
• Specification •
✔️ Stimulates early and strong root formation
✔️ Helps reduce plant shock
✔️ Promotes root development
✔️ For use on flowers, vegetables, bedding plants, fruits, trees, and shrubs
For use on fruit, vegetables, flowers, trees, bedding, plants, etc., to stimulate early and strong root development. Promotes green, more vigorous growth.
Brand Name: Bonide
Sub Brand: Garden Rich Plant Starter
Organic: No
Product Form: Liquid
Product Type: Plant Food
Container Size: 1 qt.
Packaging Type: Bottle
Concentrated: Yes
Plant Type: Flowers, Vegetables
Fertilizer Analysis (N-P-K): 3-10-3

Bonide Ground Force Vegetation Killer Concentrate 128 oz.
Bonide Ground Force Vegetation Killer Concentrate 128 oz.
• Fast-acting formula that eliminates vegetation at the roots
• Prevents regrowth of weeds and grasses for up to a year
• Versatile use on driveways, patios, fence lines, gravel paths, parking areas, sidewalks, curbs, and more
• Rainfast within 1 hour, resistant to rain
• Long-lasting results that won't wash away
• Season-long control with a single application
• Covers up to 75 square feet per quart of concentrate
• Easy application with a tank sprayer or sprinkling can
• Effective and powerful weed and grass elimination
• Reduced need for constant weeding
• Prevention of new weed and grass growth
• Versatile solution for various outdoor areas
• Convenient and time-saving rainfast feature
• Long-lasting results for a weed-free environment
• Cost-effective with efficient coverage
• Simple and precise application methods
• Clean and aesthetically pleasing outdoor spaces
Bonide Ground Force Vegetation Killer Concentrate 128 oz., the ultimate solution for tackling unwanted weeds and grasses. This fast-acting formula delivers powerful results by eliminating vegetation at its roots, ensuring that they won't regrow. Say goodbye to the hassle of constant weeding as this exceptional product prevents new growth for up to a full year.
Versatility is at the core of Ground Force Vegetation Killer. It is perfect for use on driveways, patios, fence lines, gravel paths, parking areas, sidewalks, curbs, and more. Whether you're dealing with stubborn weeds in cracks, unwanted grass along fences, or overgrown areas, this product is your go-to solution.
Experience the convenience of Rainfast within 1 hour. Once applied, Ground Force becomes resistant to rain and won't wash away, providing long-lasting results. No more worrying about unexpected showers ruining your efforts. This powerful vegetation killer ensures that your desired areas remain free from unsightly growth.
Get ready for season-long control with just one application. Ground Force delivers outstanding results, maintaining the vegetation-free areas for up to a year. With each quart of this potent concentrate, you can cover up to 75 square feet of lawn, ensuring efficient and cost-effective weed control.
Applying Ground Force is a breeze. Simply mix the concentrate with water and use a tank sprayer or a sprinkling can for precise application. Follow the label directions carefully for optimal results and safety.
Say goodbye to persistent weeds and enjoy a clean, weed-free environment with Bonide Ground Force Vegetation Killer Concentrate 128 oz. Don't let unwanted vegetation take over your outdoor spaces. Take control today and experience the power of long-lasting weed prevention.
Brand Name: Bonide
Sub Brand: Ground Force
Targeted Weed: Vegetation
Product Type: Killer
Product Form: Concentrate
Container Size: 128 oz
OMRI Certified: No
Organic: No
Coverage Area: 300 sq ft
Rain Proof: Yes
Packaging Type: Bottle
Primary Active Ingredient: Glyphosate, Isopropylamine salt, Imazapyr
Application Season: Multi Season
Pre/Post Emergent: Both
Type of Weed: Multi-Weed
Application Location: Driveway/Patio
Lawn Project: Get Rid of Weeds
Restricted States: AK, DC, HI

Bonide Infuse Concentrated Liquid Disease Control 16 oz.
Bonide Infuse Concentrated Liquid Disease Control 16 oz.
• Benefits •
• Description •
• Specification •
✔️ Prevents and stops most major plant diseases
✔️ Works for up to 4 weeks on certain diseases
✔️ Use on roses, flowers, lawns, trees & shrubs
Powerful systemic protection that prevents and cures. Won't wash off. Lasts up to 1 month. Provides broad spectrum disease control on roses, flowers, lawns, trees and shrubs. Proven to encourage turf rooting and improve color in woody shrubs. Mix as little as ½ tablespoons per gal.
Brand Name: Bonide
Sub Brand: Infuse
Organic: No
Concentrated: Yes
Product Form: Liquid
Product Type: Disease Control
Container Size: 16 oz. Contact or Systemic: Systemic
Active Ingredient: 1.55
Fertilizer Component: No

Bonide KleenUp Grass & Weed Killer Concentrate 16 oz.
Bonide KleenUp Grass & Weed Killer Concentrate 16 oz.
• Benefits •
• Description •
• Specification •
✔️ Kills grasses, weeds, and brush down to the root
✔️ Safe to reseed treated area in just 7 days
✔️ Can also be used to kill tree stumps and vines
✔️ Kills nearly any vegetation down to the root
✔️ 41% SUPER concentrate
Kills all unwanted weeds and grasses. Great for preparing flowerbeds, vegetable and ornamental garden sites, renovating lawns and for multipurpose weed control. Can reseed 7 days after treatment. Visible results in 7 days. Complete, "to-the-root" control in 2 - 4 weeks. One quart treats 6,300 sq. ft.
Brand Name: Bonide
Sub Brand: KleenUp
Organic: No
Targeted Weed Type: Grass & Weed
Product Type: Killer
Product Form: Concentrate
Container Size: 16 oz. OMRI Certified: No
Rain Proof: Yes
Pre/Post Emergent: Post Emergent
Packaging Type: Bottle
Active Ingredient: Glyphosate, isopropylamine salt
Coverage Area: 3150 sq. ft. Weed Type Family: Multi-Weed
For Use On/Effective On: Broadleaf Weeds/Grasses Kills all unwanted weeds and grasses. Great for preparing flower beds, renovating lawns and for multipurpose weed control. Can reseed 7 days after treatment. Visible results in 7 days. Complete, ?to-the-root? control in 2 - 4 weeks.

Bonide KleenUp Grass & Weed Killer RTU Liquid 32 oz.
Bonide KleenUp Grass & Weed Killer RTU Liquid 32 oz.
• Benefits •
• Description •
• Specification •
✔️ Kills listed grasses, weeds, and brush down to the root
✔️ Contains "See Spray" non-staining blue marker dye
✔️ Systemic action kills the entire plant
Bonide KleenUp Grass & Weed Killer RTU Liquid 32 oz. Tough, fast-acting, water-based formula of systemic 1.92% glyphosate plus surfactant. Kills all green plants, roots and all. Use around walks, driveways, flower beds, shrubs and trees. Contains "See Spray" non-staining blue marker dye.
Brand Name: Bonide
Sub Brand: KleenUp
Organic: No
Targeted Weed Type: Grass & Weed
Product Type: Killer
Product Form: RTU Liquid
Container Size: 32 oz. Active Ingredient: Glyphosate, isopropylamine salt
OMRI Certified: No
Packaging Type: Trigger Spray Bottle
Weed Type Family: Multi-Weed
Coverage Area: 75 sq. ft. Pre/Post Emergent: Post Emergent
For Use On/Effective On: Broadleaf Weeds/Grasses
Rain Proof: Yes Tough, fast-acting, waterbased formula of systemic 1.92% glyphosate plus surfactant. Kills all green plants, roots and all. Use around walks, driveways, flower beds, shrubs and trees.

Bonide Maize Weed Preventer 32 oz.
Bonide Maize Weed Preventer 32 oz.
• Benefits •
• Description •
• Specification •
✔️ Natural Way To Prevent Weeds From Growing
✔️ Works On Annual & Perennial Weeds
✔️ Grassy & Broadleaf Weeds, Works In Lawns, Around Trees, Shrubs, Ornamentals, Flowers & Even Vegetable Gardens,
People & Pets are two words that come to mind while thinking about people and pets. When used according to the instructions, it's completely safe. Corn Gluten is a natural product that inhibits the growth of weeds. Annual and perennial weeds are also treated with this product. It works on weeds that are grassy or broadleaf. It's perfect for lawns, shrubs, ornamentals, flowers, and even vegetable gardens. Excellent for use in the spring and fall. The large, untidy containers of corn gluten are no longer necessary with this easy-to-use liquid solution.
Brand: Bonide
Sub Brand: Maize
Organic: Yes

Bonide MoleMax Moles and Voles Granules 5 lb.
Bonide MoleMax Moles and Voles Granules 5 lb.
• Benefits •
• Description •
• Specification •
🌱 Moles, voles, gophers, armadillos, and rabbits are all repelled.
🌱 When applied as advised, it is safe for people and pets.
🌱 It can be used on lawns, gardens, and planting beds.
Moles, voles, gophers, rabbits, and other rodents are all repelled by BONIDE MoleMax®. When used as suggested, it can last up to three months. For greatest effectiveness, it penetrates deep into the soil where animals burrow.
Brand Name: Bonide
Sub Brand: MoleMax
Product Type: Animal Repellent
Product Form: Granules
Animal Type: Moles and Voles
Container Size: 5 lb. Ready to Use: Yes
Active Ingredient: Castor oil
Treatment Coverage Area: 2500
Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
Effectiveness Duration: 3 month Safe for Edibles: Yes
Packaging Type: Shaker Jug
Safe for Pets: Yes

Bonide MoleMax Repellent Granules For Moles and Voles 10 lb.
Bonide MoleMax Repellent Granules For Moles and Voles 10 lb.
• Benefits •
• Description •
• Specification •
✔️ Lasts 3 Months
✔️ Easy To Apply
✔️ Repels a large variety of rodents.
Bonide MoleMax repels moles, voles, gophers, rabbits, and other listed rodents. Lasts up to 3 months, when used as directed. It penetrates deep into the soil where animals burrow for maximum efficacy.
Brand Name: Bonide
Sub Brand: MoleMax
Product Type: Animal Repellent
Product Form: Granules
Animal Type: Moles and Voles
Container Size: 10 lb. Effectiveness Duration: 3 month Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
Packaging Type: Bagged
Treatment Coverage Area: 5000 sq. ft. Safe for Edibles: Yes
Safe for Pets: Yes
Ready to Use: Yes